With the active collaboration of the artistic directors of Tota Pulchra, Count Prof. Giuseppe Tedeschi and Countess Dr. Maria Ratkova Tedeschi Mezzosoprano-Contralto, and in the presence of Mons. Jean Marie Gervais, this October 13th, the historic chambers of the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences will resonate with conversations that matter. We are proud to present the inaugural World Changers Power Women’s Summit—an intimate gathering that champions both intellectual rigor and heartfelt connection.

Our VIP summit is meticulously curated, bringing together some of the most forward-thinking minds from the diverse terrains of law, the expansive realms of academia, the impactful world of the non-profit sector, and the ever-evolving spheres of politics, among others. Each speaker, distinguished in their domain, has a concise 10 minutes to share insights—a format inspired by the brevity and depth of TED Talks.

More than just an academic conclave, this event is a celebration of collaborative thought. It’s where scholarship meets humanity, where ideas are both profound and profoundly personal. We invite you to be more than a spectator—be an active voice in this symphony of change.

Participation is strictly by invitation – contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

The Institute for Advance Studies and Cooperation represents cooperation, and in times of crisis, it is crucial that we reach out and find the courage, strength, and patience to listen and understand opposing viewpoints. Rather than being arrogant or manipulative, we must strive to look beyond our differences and find common ground. Through forgiveness, intelligence, and lateral thinking, even the most complex issues can find solutions.

We believe that the scientific community, artists, thinkers, and people of good faith all have a role to play in collaborating to create a better future through healing and sharing. That’s why we invite everyone to join in the discussion, regardless of their government, political or military position. This is a place of sharing, knowledge, study, and growth, where cultural testimonies, opinions, interventions, and discussions from all countries are welcome.

No matter where you stand, we invite you to share your voice through videos, interviews, or documents. If you cannot physically participate in the summit, please send your materials to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. with the subject line “WE ALL MATTER.” We will review your submissions and get back to you promptly.



Tota Pulchra: Associazione per la promozione sociale

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